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Nestle cocks up digital PR

by on26 March 2010


Snookered by Greenpeace

Chocolate maker
Nestle is finding itself unable to cope with a Greenpeace online attack against its use of polar bear unfriendly palm oil.

Greenpeace released a YouTube video which showed someone tucking into a orang-utan finger instead of a Kit Kat. The video was viewed 750,000 times in a week Greenpeace's beef is that the company's alleged use of palm oil from deforested areas in Indonesia.

However Nestle's tactics to blunt the campaign have landed it in the centre of a firestorm on Twitter and Facebook. Nestle ordered YouTube to remove the video citing copyright infringement. The reason was that Greenpeace had doctored the Kit Kat logo to read as "Killer". It found its Facebook page was then flooded with negative posts from 'unfans', so the outfit just unfriended them.

"To repeat: we welcome your comments, but please don't post using an altered version of any of our logos as your profile pic - they will be deleted," Nestle's moderator wrote. Now suddenly in the lead up to Easter the outfit is facing a boycott of its products.

Belinda Fletcher, a Greenpeace campaigner, said Nestle's own PR made matters much worse for the company and much better for the environmentalists.
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