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Daft ideas to save cash on IT

by on26 March 2010


Change your type face

A Wisconsin
college has come up with a wizard wheeze which it is convinced will save it shedloads of cash – it is changing its default font.

The University of Wisconsin-Green Bay has switched the default font on its e-mail system from Arial to Century Gothic and is now apparently sitting back and waiting for the cash to roll in.

Diane Blohowiak is the school's director of computing. She says the new font uses about 30 percent less ink than the previous one. She thinks that could add up to real savings, since the cost of printer ink works out to about $10,000 per gallon. It is all part of a glorious five-year plan to go green.

So you are using ink-jets? I think we can see your problem there. However it should also save a little bit on electricity if Century Gothic uses less juice on the screen too. Unless we have got it all wrong which we suppose we might have.
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