22 October 2013
How Geforce game bundles work
What gets you $100 off Shield + 3 games?
22 October 2013
Nvidia talks up Android gaming, confirms Shield 2
Huang would love a Logan-based console
18 October 2013
Nvidia attacks bundles with bundles
Fight fire with fire
21 September 2013
Nvidia to try making money off accessories
Shield hard shell for Appleish $39.99
16 August 2013
Nvidia to power games at Gamescom 2013
Gamescom 2013: Exclusive content and first European debut of Shield
09 August 2013
Nvidia open sources Shield
You probably were not expecting this
01 August 2013
Nvidia Shield gets its torndown at iFixit
Low repairability score
31 July 2013
Nvidia Shield reviews are in
Mostly harmless
17 July 2013
Shield to ship by end of July
This time for real, hopefully
27 June 2013
Nvidia delays Shield console
Discovers “mechanical issue”