Nintendo expects to flog 24 million Switches
Published in Gaming

COVID-19 pandemic drives a gaming boom

Nintendo has announced that it will sell 24 million of its Switch games consoles in the year ending March 2021, up from a forecast of 19 million.

Team Xecuter pair arrested
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Piracy charges

Two piracy group leaders from Team Xecuter, have been arrested and are in custody facing charges filed in a US District Court in Seattle.

Nintendo kills off 3DS
Published in Gaming
18 September 2020

Nintendo kills off 3DS

After nine and a half years

Nintendo has discontinued its 3DS handheld after about 76 million sales over a nine-and-a-half year period.

Nintendo shuts down open source project
Published in Gaming

Submit to the power of our mighty briefs

Nintendo has targeted the developer of an open-source Switch payload injector with a cease and desist notice and  the DragonInjector developer decided to call it a day.

Nintendo’s operating profits increased by 427.7 percent
Published in Gaming

Despite lock-downs

Nintendo’s operating profits increased by 427.7 percent during April to June and it was not because people were locked up with nothing to do.

Nintendo will be kung-flued
Published in Gaming

Is going to struggle with coronavirus

Console maker Nintendo is going to have a hard time shaking off the effect of the coronavirus, according to analyst outfit Global Data.

Nintendo kicked in the Switch by Kung Flu
Published in Gaming

Shipment delays

Nintendo has warned that the coronavirus virus will result in "inevitable" production and shipment delays for the Switch in Japan, including Joy-Con controllers and Ring Fit Adventure.

Nintendo confirms 20 September for new Switch Lite
Published in Gaming

Price tag of $199.99

Nintendo has confirmed the slimmed down console the Nintendo Switch Lite will launch on September 20 for $199.99.

Microsoft, Nintendo, Sony investigated over game service
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British watchdog growls that online services might be unfair to gamers.

The UK's Competition and Markets Authority [CMA] is investigating Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony to see if their online service practices violate consumer protection law.

Security researcher admits knocking over Microsoft and Nintendo
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Wanted confidential information

A 24-year-old security researcher pleaded guilty today to hacking into Microsoft and Nintendo servers and nicking confidential information.