Apple pulls botched AI news product
Published in AI

Half baked

Red-faced cargo cult Apple has pulled its AI news product after it was universally declared as accurate as a Russian government announcement about the Ukrainian war.  

Apple’s Intelligence proving to be a joke
Published in AI

Fanboys are complaining

The Fruity Cargo Cult Apple’s AI product is proving so bad that even its legion of fanboys are complaining.

Meta disables fact-checking
Published in News

Embracing the right

Meta Platforms CEO Mark Zuckerberg has announced the end of fact-checking and the removal of speech restrictions across Facebook and Instagram.

28 per cent of Americans get their "news" from YouTube
Published in News

Now you know why they make such stupid decisions

In a study the Pew Research Center released today, 26 percent of US adults said they now get their news from YouTube.

Chinese working on a home operating system
Published in News

Part of the glorious plan to rip out foreign software

The two biggest OS (operating system) makers in China announced plans last week to unite and jointly build a new "domestic operating system".

Facebook starts paying for news
Published in News

Shares stand with News Corp

News Corp CEO Robert Thomson is expected to begin praising the Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg as the social notworker has agreed to start paying for news.

AI can't check for fake news
Published in AI


You need humans to tell a flat earth, anti-vax, 5G conspiracy theory from the real thing

Hopes that we might be able to use machine learning to distinguish the sheep from the goats in the news have been dashed by two papers released by MIT boffins.

Russian outfit claims to be legit news outlet
Published in News

We are not Putin's mouthpiece, and we want its Facebook account back

A Russian company whose accountant was charged by federal prosecutors for attempting to meddle in US elections has sued Facebook claiming it is a legitimate news outlet and wants its account back.

FCC broadband panel chair arrested in $250 million fraud case
Published in News

FCC boss Ajit Pai appears to have built his own swamp

The former chair of a panel organised by FCC boss Ajit Pai to advise the agency on broadband matters has been arrested for alleged fraud. Elizabeth Ann Pierce, the former CEO of Quintillion Networks, was appointed by Pai last April to chair the committee.

AI is still half baked
Published in News
09 February 2018

AI is still half baked

Deep learning is shallower and more hyped than Italian television

AI is set to be a massive disappointment for those who think it is going to take over the world.