Nvidia releases new Geforce 372.90 drivers
Published in Graphics

Game Ready drivers for Forza Horizon 3

Following the release of the newest Mirosoft Studios Forza Horizon 3 racing game, Nvidia has released its new Geforce 372.90 Game Ready drivers, coming with all the optimizations for that game.

Nvidia claims tight GeForce GTX 1080,1070 and 1060 supply
Published in Graphics

Planning release of GTX 1050 gpus

Nvidia is claiming that the supply for its Pascal-based GeForce GTX 1080, 1070 and 1060 graphics cardsis a little too tight to mention.

Nvidia launches Geforce Experience 3.0
Published in Graphics

New and optimized interface, latest news, drivers and more

Although previously available in beta, Nvidia has now officially launched the new 3.0 version of its Geforce Experience,  software that allows easier driver updates, game optimizations, sharing, news and more.

Nvidia releases Geforce 372.70 WHQL drivers
Published in Graphics

One to have for Battlefield 1 Beta and WOW:Legion

Following the launch of Battlefield 1 Open Beta, which became available to some today, as well as the launch of World of Warcraft: Legion and some other games, Nvidia has released its newest Geforce 372.70 WHQL driver which promises to bring optimizations for these games and some other fixes.

Nvidia rolls out new Geforce 372.54 WHQL drivers
Published in Graphics

Support for new Geforce 10 series mobile GPUs and Game Ready drivers

Nvidia has officially released its newest Geforce 372.54 WHQL-certified drivers which bring support for the recently released Geforce GTX 10 series notebook graphics cards, the GTX 1080, GTX 1070 and the GTX 1060, as well as include all the optimizations for a couple of games, including No Man's Sky and Deus Ex: Mankind Divided.

Zotac releases liquid cooling-ready GTX 1080 Arctic Storm
Published in Graphics

With full-cover RGB water block

Zotac has announced its newest Geforce GTX 1080-based graphics card that will comes with a full-cover water block, making it ready for liquid cooling setups, the Zotac Geforce GTX 1080 Arctic Storm.

EVGA GTX 1070 FTW reviewed
Published in Reviews

Review: Great outfit for a gaming party

We like the way EVGA has designed its new GTX 1070 FTW graphics card. It is powerful enough to satisify the most cynical at a gaming party.

Plenty of Geforce GTX 1060s available in Europe
Published in Graphics

Starting at €279 and going as high €349

We decided to check on the European availability of Nvidia's latest Pascal addition to the Geforce lineup, the Geforce GTX 1060, and it appears that there are plenty of them available from the usual suspects, ranging from €279 to €349.

Nvidia Geforce GTX 1060 reviews are out
Published in Graphics

Faster than Radeon RX 480

As announced earlier, Nvidia has officially lifted the NDA off its Geforce GTX 1060 allowing sites to publish reviews which also means that retailers/e-tailers now have the green light to start selling the new graphics card.

Nvidia Geforce GTX 1060 previewed
Published in Reviews

Preview: Another great Pascal graphics card

Nvidia is addressing higher mid-range segment with this card and with its $249 price tag it may become your next graphics card for 1080p gaming.