Some fresh iPhone users are experiencing certain technical difficulties, i.e. they don't like the Vole's 64 bit Windows Vista/XP.
Apple's iTunes just don't work on those operating systems, and many people knew that already. The ones that didn't were in for an ugly surprise when they got their brand new shiny toys. You may say it's their problem, since they didn't pay attention back in class, and didn't read what they were supposed to, e.g. Apple's system requirements, which say: "64-bit editions of Windows are not supported"
But then again, Apple's iPhone spec page says: "Windows Vista Home Premium, Business, Enterprise, or Ultimate Edition; or Windows XP Home or Professional with Service Pack 2 or later." Without the 64 bit support (or lack of it) fine print. Well, one may argue that 64 bit Vista is "later" than XP.
To tell you the truth, I would have expected more snooping around and caution from 64 bit users, but this seems like a situation where you can pretty much put the blame on both sides.
The good news for Apple is that there aren't that many 64 bit Windows users. Although it would be interesting to compare their numbers with the number of Mac OS users. But even a very vocal minority can generate a lot of FUD and controversy.
Luckily, here in Europe we don't have any iPhone problems, since we don't have any iPhones to begin with.
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iTunes hate 64bit Windows

Some iPhone buyers learn the hard way