The death of the BlackBerry might save the OS
Published in Mobiles
Thursday, 06 October 2016 12:15

The death of the BlackBerry might save the OS

Company wants to licence it

The death of the BlackBerry hardware might mean that there is life in the operating system.

Apple made its passwords easier to hack
Published in Mobiles
Monday, 26 September 2016 14:23

Apple made its passwords easier to hack

A new feature

Security experts have warned that a new feature in iOS has made it a lot easier for passwords to be hacked.

Apple stuffs up its iOS Alarm clock function
Published in News
Monday, 19 September 2016 13:27

Apple stuffs up its iOS Alarm clock function

Why can’t Apple programmers tell the time?

One of the most basic projects in high school programming is to build computer clocks and yet despite this, the genii at Apple consistently fail at doing it.

iOS 10 bricks iPhones
Published in Mobiles
Wednesday, 14 September 2016 11:40

iOS 10 bricks iPhones

Super cool new feature

Apple fanboys are rushing over themselves to download the latest iOS 10 operating system which has a unique new super, cool function which bricks their iPhone.

Microsoft’s Powershell goes open source
Published in News
Friday, 19 August 2016 11:33

Microsoft’s Powershell goes open source

Coming to a Mac and Linux machine near you

Software King of the World, Microsoft, has announced that its Powershell automation and scripting system is going open source.

Apple’s latest security mess
Published in News
Thursday, 23 June 2016 12:13

Apple’s latest security mess

Opened up the kernel for inspection

With its release of iOS 10 Apple appears to have forgotten to encrypt the kernel, leaving security researchers baffled and virus writers rubbing their paws with glee.

Out-of-date Apple asleep behind the wheel
Published in News

Opinon: Big announcement turns out time for a snooze

Apple had a chance yesterday to convince the world that it had not run out of ideas, it was no longer dependent on China, and had a cunning plan to save itself from obscurity – it failed.

Windows Phone OS now on less than 1 percent of phones
Published in Mobiles

Microsoft only sells 2.3 million Lumia devices in Q1 2016

According to the latest report, Microsoft's Windows Phone now holds less than one percent of the market share due to low sales in the Q1 2016.

Facebook launches live streaming for iOS users in US
Published in News

Eventually wants 914 million mobile users to jump in front of live camera

On Thursday, the world’s largest social networking platform has just made live streaming available as an option to all Apple iOS users in the United States. The update marks the first time the company has made the feature widely available.

Prank website instantly crashes and reboots Apple iOS devices
Published in News

Update: Now taken offline, but original code still available

Thanks to a few very simple lines of HTML script, a new Apple prank website promises to instantly crash the Safari web browser of any iOS and then reboot a user’s device.