As expected, the first open source drivers for the Microsoft Kinect that allow it to be used with a PC have been released. A developer by the name of Hector Martin is the author of the driver.
Right now the driver allows access to Kinect once it is connected to the PC, but for what it is worth it does little more than that. To do more with the driver you are going to need some made programming skills or wait till the Kinect Software Development Kit (SDK) arrives.
The Kinect SDK is being developed by the NUI Group, and of course, it isn’t Microsoft approved. The SDK’s development is being funded by monetary donations and once these donations reach a certain level it will then be released to the public.
Currently, the Kinect driver for the PC does little more than display what it sees using the RGB and depth-sensing camera feeds. Right now it really does little that is useful and it will need additional software. The driver, however, is the first necessary step. We will have to wait and see what happens next.
You can download the Kinect PC Driver here.
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Kinect open source driver arrives
Has been released for what it is worth
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