The tame Apple press claims that Samsung has seen Jobs' Mob's iPad 2 and admitted that its Galaxy Tab is now useless.
South Korean giant Samsung last week admitted it faced a tough challenge to compete with Apple's new slimmer and cheaper iPad, saying "inadequate" parts had to be improved. The statement has been seen by the Tame Apple press as a surrender to the superiority of Jobs Mob over all other technology. The stories all gave lurid details about how slim the new Ipad was.
However what they failed to notice that the admission was one that the model of copying Apple was not working. Rival tablet makers have been copying Apple every time but they also made the mistake of duplicating the ridiculously high mark-ups.
Samungs Galaxy tab was much more expensive than the iPad and it had planned to release an even more expensive 10 inch tablet. Samsung has confirmed that it might have to rethink the pricing policy. Samsung has sold two million Galaxy Tabs since October 2010 while Apple sold 15 million iPads in April-December.
Copying the technology behind the Jobs Mob experience is not that difficult, but pricing seems to have the rivals outflanked by Apple every time.
Published in
Samsung admits its tablet is now pants
But not for the reason the tame Apple press claims