The company says that the MK30 drones can fly up to 15 miles and deliver packages weighing up to five pounds in 30 minutes or less. The drones are designed to avoid obstacles and operate autonomously, using sensors and artificial intelligence.
Amazon says that the service will be available to customers who live in rural or suburban areas where the drones can land safely. The company hopes to expand the service to more countries and regions, aiming to reduce its carbon footprint.
The new Prime Air locations will be announced in the coming months, with an anticipated launch date of late 2024.
Amazon showed off its Prime Air delivery drone which it claims flies twice as far as its current model. Even more critically, the drones can operate in light rain and what Amazon calls more "diverse weather." The company released photos of the MK30 drone today, which it said will replace its current batch of delivery drones by late 2024.