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AP buries the hatchet with Drudge Retort

Constructive exchange
The Associated Press has sorted out a row with the news blog, Drudge Retort, over publishing their news stories as part of discussions. Rogers Cadenhead said he is "glad" the dispute over his site, the Drudge Retort, has ended something that AP agreed with.
AP said it was happy after having a "constructive exchange" with a "number of interested parties in the blogging community." It said that it wanted to continue talking to these various groups. This is a long way from earlier this month when AP legal eagles ordered Cadenhead to take down seven entries on the Drudge Retort claiming that the postings were violating the AP's copyright.
Cadenhead spilled the beans about the row here, and prominent bloggers rallied behind him. The argument was whether the use of the blogs constituted fair use under copyright law.
AP said it was working to develop guidelines for what it considered permissible use of its content by bloggers.
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