While console gamers don’t seem to be complaining too much about in-game advertising, PC gamers, on the other hand, are absolutely livid over their games being taken over by billboard in-game advertising: in “Battlefield 2142” the billboards throughout the game ‘hawk’ everything from Ghost Rider DVDs to Intel Processors.
Prior to this point, advertisements in games were displayed on pre-defined points, such as the side of a building or a billboard. That is all about to change with the launch of a new dynamic advertising delivery system from developer, Double Fusion, called fusion.runtime. The new fusion.runtime ad delivery system and technology will be premiered starting today at the Austin Game Developers Conference in Austin, Texas.
With the new fusion.runtime technology, locations for ad placements as well as additional ads can all be updated via the Internet. This will allow developers to adopt an advertising model that is more akin to that of advertising on television today.
While DoubleFusion claims that gamers may notice an increase in advertising content, they also claim that they are sure that developers will use the technology wisely to guard their revenue stream and not alienate gamers. While we understand that titles cost more to produce than ever before, loading up the games with advertising is not the answer. We predict that software developers can expect a steady stream of complaints about the in-game advertising, and as with commercials in TV, gamers are not going to like it in their games.
Read more here.