A company called Medis Technologies Ltd listed as MDTL at NASDQ will
demonstrate 1 Watt 24/7 Fuel cell powere pack for handheld devices at IDF.
More importantly, the same company will present its development program for
a new 20 Watt Fuel cell product that is promising the whole day mobile
The company will have a demonstration unit of the next generation of its
24/7 fuel cell power pack product that will come in a significantly smaller
form factor and will offer refueling cartridges that will run your mobile
device such as blackberry for a long time.
Medis will showcase its prototype of the 20W fuel cell
solution that will fit the notebooks and this will be a major milestone for the
fuel cell industry as one UL Certified fuel cell charger will finally come to
market. Intel is more interested in 20W notebook fuel cell as this might offer
a day of computing aiming for up to 24 hours battery life by 2010.
Medis focuses on direct liquid fuel cell technology
and it wants to sell its fuel cell trough retail outlets, service providers,
military and other markets. The same company has CellScan a new product that
will help the medicine to diagnose some diseases and chemo sensitivity.
You can see more about this company here.