We managed to get one of the first samples of Sapphire's Radeon HD 3850 Ultimate 512MB GDDR3 card. The best thing about this card is that despite its reference 670MHz core clock and 1660MHz memory clock, the card is passively cooled.
The is a jewel for all who want a silent PC but, as with every passively cooled card, you need to assure good airflow to keep the card cool.
The passive cooler has three heatpipes that are driving the heat onto the radiator, placed on the back of the card. The card works with Crossfire, supports HDMI and, of course, comes with free Black box Half Life 2 copy.
To make a difference, Sapphire also ships a full version of 3Dmark06 so you can prove to your friends you have the highest score.
The card is listed for about €180 and should be in retail stores any day now. We will do our best to have a review of this card shortly, but before that happens enjoy our pictures.
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Sapphire's passively cooled 3850 512MB materializes

Preview: World's first passively cooled 3850