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ASUS stuck with the AMI BIOS, this time with the 2MB version, which gives additional languages besides English. A nice gimmick, but we would rather see extended help information in the BIOS first before adding any languages with misleading translations.
The most annoying feature of the ASUS BIOS is that while overclocked the CPU will not receive idle-voltages. The CPU multiplicator is reduced but the VCore remains.

We have to state that we always recalculate the bench results to nominal frequencies. Most vendors do an overclock to their products, maybe to get more bench-points, but we nullify such attempts. The Blitz is overclocked with 2666.6666MHz, 3333.3333MHz, underclocked with 366MHz FSB or overclocked with 367MHz FSB:

There are no differences in the OC capabilities compared to the Deluxe version, FSB reaches 485MHz. We think our E6700 is stuck at this FSB frequency. In a few days we will test the E6750, then we will see more valid results.