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Quantum computers on coronavirus case
Published in News
Wednesday, 01 April 2020 11:06

Quantum computers on coronavirus case

We can solve this with potentially dead or alive cats

D-Wave today made its quantum computers available for free to researchers and developers working on responses to the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis.

Digital information quantum teleported
Published in News
Monday, 30 December 2019 10:59

Digital information quantum teleported

Beam me up moggy

Scientists at the University of Bristol and the Technical University of Denmark have achieved quantum teleportation between two computer chips for the first time.

Intel chills and comes up with quantum chip
Published in PC Hardware
Tuesday, 10 December 2019 10:57

Intel chills and comes up with quantum chip

AMD is either potentially dead and alive

Chipzilla has announced a quantum chip dubbed “Horse Ridge” that is designed to take all the work being done by the wires and shrink it down to a chip and electronics about the size of a saucer.

Amazon makes its cloud quantumy
Published in Cloud
Tuesday, 03 December 2019 09:53

Amazon makes its cloud quantumy

Cool for quantum cats

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is helping to bring quantum computing to the cloud, with the company lifting the lid off three initiatives at AWS re: Invent in Las Vegas.

IBM starts bringing quantum computers out of the lab
Published in PC Hardware

53-qubit quantum computer out in October

IBM is taking a major step forward in moving quantum computing use forward by opening its first IBM Quantum Computation Centre in New York.

Quantum radar is here
Published in News
Monday, 26 August 2019 11:30

Quantum radar is here

Dead and alive cats can see stealth bombers

Shabir Barzanjeh at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria and a few colleagues have used entangled microwaves to create the world's first quantum radar.

IBM COO of AI and Quantum talks 2019
Published in AI
Wednesday, 26 December 2018 08:02

IBM COO of AI and Quantum talks 2019

Decision making, automation, trusted and reasoning

Dario Gil, chief operating officer of IBM’s AI and quantum computing has shared what was the big thing in 2018 and what might be big with AI in 2019. AI will be easier to use, complementing expert networks and  AI automation

Microsoft wants developers for its quantum reality
Published in News

Bring your own potentially dead and alive cats

Software king of the world Microsoft has launched the open-source Quantum Katas on GitHub.

Chinese break stable quantum entanglement record
Published in News

18 qubits with no dead cats

Boffins at the Chinese University of Science and Technology have demonstrated stable quantum entanglement with 18 qubits.

IBM warns that encryption's reign will be over soon
Published in News

The development of Quantum computers is the obituary of current encryption

IBM has warned that quantum computers will mean the end of encryption of sensitive data protected by today's most robust security.