Apple under antitrust pressure from French firms
Advertisers up in arms
The French competition bureau has received complaints from publishers and advertising firms alleging that Apple is busting their collective asses.

App developers starting to rebel against Apple
The peasants are revolting
App developers are defying Apple in record numbers, according to a new coalition of companies aimed at breaking the iPhone maker's tight grip over its mobile software and the way it governs the App Store.

Old Apple and Google deal sets the watchdogs barking
Prime example of antitrust
Apple's agreement to feature Google as the preselected search engine for iPhones, saying America's Justice Department views it as a prime example of what prosecutors say are Google's illegal tactics to protect its monopoly and choke off competition.

Apple’s late adoption of 5G does not mean much
Challenges remain says IDTechEx
Fruity cargo cult Apple’s late integration of 5G into all four newly announced iPhones does not mean that the tech is suddenly going to get popular according to IDTechEx.

Apple has throttled away any Android advantage
Benchmarks show power supply issues covered
While the Tame Apple Press is creaming itself over the new iPhones, it appears that the new gear is getting its clock cleaned by Android phones.

Apple deals with Google’s Project Zero by hiring key hacker
One way to make a problem go away
Apple has poached a key member of Google’s Project Zero, a hacking team at Google that has found dozens of critical vulnerabilities in Apple’s iOS and other Apple software.

Apple finally gives fanboys 5G
More than a year behind everyone else in the phone industry, the fruity cargo cult Apple has finally invented 5G and installed it in its phones.

Apple’s T2 security chip has an unfixable bug
Shedloads of threats
While Apple’s T2 security chip appears mostly to help Jobs’ Mob control its Walled Garden of delights, it apparently is not very good at security.

Epic loses antitrust injunction
Apple fanboys celebrate at the prospect of paying more money
Epic Games "did not win its preliminary injunction in its antitrust action against Apple, which would have forced Apple to allow Fortnite back onto the iPhone, iPad, and Mac".

Apple forced free ProtonMail to charge
Even if it had been free for years
Fruity cargo cult Apple forced a free app developer to make in-app purchases (IAP) and threatened to remove the app if it told customers.