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iPad Pro blighted by spots
Published in PC Hardware
Thursday, 20 December 2018 10:07

iPad Pro blighted by spots

Apple will not change its spots

The overpriced iPad Pro has developed a bad case of spots just as their warranty expires.

Apple's software cannot save China crisis
Published in News
Tuesday, 18 December 2018 12:21

Apple's software cannot save China crisis

Qualcomm says Apple is just ignoring Chinese law

Apple's faith in its software geniuses to fix a patent problem which could result in it being banned in China has been misplaced, according to Qualcomm.

Apple hopes to solve China crisis with its brilliant software
Published in Mobiles

Will fix Qualcomm issue with a software update 

Fruity cargo cult Apple believes it can work around the problem of its iPhone ban in China by leaning on its crack team of software experts.

US ITC to ponder Qualcomm request for iPhone ban
Published in Mobiles

Rethinking if  it is in the public interest to ban iPhones after all

The US International Trade Commission is mulling over changing its mind on a ruling which said that banning imports of some iPhones into the United States was not in the public interest, even if Apple Inc infringed a Qualcomm patent.

Apple making its own modem
Published in Mobiles
Thursday, 13 December 2018 11:16

Apple making its own modem

Dump Intel and put Qualcomm out of business

Fruity cargo cult Apple has finally admitted that Intel cannot make a modem which can compete with Qualcomm and is working on something of its own.

Apple ban not specific to OS version
Published in News
Tuesday, 11 December 2018 04:14

Apple ban not specific to OS version

Ban stays during 10 days “appeal”

Monday was a busy day for both Apple and Qualcomm as the Fuzhou Intermediate People’s Court in China has granted  Qualcomm’s request for two preliminary injunctions against four Chinese subsidiaries of Apple Inc., ordering them to immediately cease infringing upon two Qualcomm patents through the unlicensed importation, sale and offers for sale in China of the iPhone 6S, iPhone 6S Plus, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus and iPhone X.

China court bans iPhone 6S to X sales
Published in Mobiles
Tuesday, 11 December 2018 00:56

China court bans iPhone 6S to X sales

Qualcomm patent infringement

Today is a big day in the tech industry especially for Qualcomm and Apple as after years of legal battle, a Chinese court decided that Apple is infringing two Qualcomm’s patents, resulting in the immediate ban of import and sale and offers for sale for various phones.

How Apple controls what employees say
Published in News
Monday, 10 December 2018 12:14

How Apple controls what employees say

Not allowed to use the words crash, hang, bug, or problem

Underpaid, over-hyped Apple employees are forbidden from using certain words when talking to customers who might indicate that the product is not up to snuff.

Apple sued for not supplying dust filters
Published in PC Hardware
Wednesday, 05 December 2018 12:00

Apple sued for not supplying dust filters

Macs turned into dust bowl 

You think that if you pay to double the price for a laptop that is a year out of date, the supplier might stump up for some basic dust filters. Apple did not think so.

Qualcomm on verge of Apple resolution
Published in Mobiles
Friday, 30 November 2018 10:59

Qualcomm on verge of Apple resolution

CEO Steve Mollenkopf confirms

In a chat with CNBC, Qualcomm’s CEO confirmed that it and Apple are on the doorstep of a resolution of  multi quarter licensing related issues. What CNBC didn’t tell you is that Apple doesn’t want to pay Qualcomm a tiny amount of money as it wants a special and favorable deal.