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Apple rumoured to be buying Intel's 5G tech
Published in Mobiles

After it knifed its partner

Fruity cargo cult Apple is rumoured to be negotiating with Intel to buy the 5G technology that it rejected for its iPhone.

Apple will make all your old cables redundant
Published in Mobiles


Upgrade them all

Fruity cargo cult Apple has worked out a way of forcing its users to upgrade all their cabled gear – it is killing off its Lightning port.

Apple is using a custom connector for the SSD in the new Mac Pro
Published in PC Hardware

So you can’t upgrade on the cheap

Fruity cargo cult Apple is famous for its expensive SSD upgrades which make expensive machines ridiculously more expensive, but now it appears that the outfit has taken an extra step to force customers to pay its upgrade bill.

Foxconn will rescue Apple from trade war
Published in News
Wednesday, 12 June 2019 12:03

Foxconn will rescue Apple from trade war

We will just make iPhones outside China

Foxconn said that it will rescue its chum Apple from Trump’s out-of-control trade war.

Huawei: Ennui thought it was the zeitgeist
Published in News

Opinion: Mike Magee's Rave - War of the Worlds kicks off

I never in my wildest dreams – and my dreams are wild, by the way – that I considered that a headline could combine Mandarin, French, English and German. This one has.

Apple is killing the online advertising business
Published in News

It turns out those lock-ins have a knock-on effect

Over the last few years, Apple has quietly killed off the online advertising industry, and in iOS 13, it's kneecapping the digital marketing industry completely.

Apple continues repair witchhunt
Published in News
Friday, 07 June 2019 10:47

Apple continues repair witchhunt

Persecutes small businessman for crime of daring to fix broken iPhones

Despite being told by a Norwegian court that it had no case, the fruity cargo cult Apple is trying to sue a small businessperson into bankruptcy.

Apple’s “find my” feature will be a nightmare
Published in Mobiles

But still thinks it is great

Designers at fruity cargo cult Apple appear to have been sniffing the floor polish again after proudly showing off one of the potentially daftest features for an iPhone.

Apple takes 20 years to fix bug
Published in News
Thursday, 06 June 2019 11:07

Apple takes 20 years to fix bug

MacOS was vulnerable for all that time 

Fruity cargo-cult Apple has repaired a bug which has been in its operating system for 20 years.

Macworld admits Apple has lost the plot
Published in News
Thursday, 06 June 2019 11:03

Macworld admits Apple has lost the plot

Cut and pastes Fudzilla arguments

You know that there is something wrong when a fanatical Apple fanboy rag like Macworld starts to use phrases to describe the fruity cargo cult which might have come from Fudzilla.