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Apple fanboys spend fortune bypassing "perfect" design
Published in News

Tame Apple press fumes

The Tame Apple Press is incandescent with rage as Apple fanboys are apparently splashing out $60 to make their wireless airbuds wired again.

Apple charge of the light-weight brigade gives Crimea to Russia
Published in News

Funds to the left of them

Fruity cargo cult Apple is wondering if its decision to overturn the results of the Crimean war on its Google Maps was a Charge of the Light Brigade or a good idea.

Trump claims credit for “new” Apple factory
Published in News

Which has been running for nearly seven years

There are few times that we feel sorry for Apple’s spiritual and temporal head Tim Cook, but yesterday, where he had to give US President Donald Trump a tour of his Texas factory, was one of them.

Apple finally realises its software is pure comedy
Published in News

Someone finally read Fudzilla

For a while now we have been penning stories about how buggy Apple's software is getting, but now it seems someone at the Jobs' Mob Frying Saucer has got the message.

Apple silences reviews
Published in News
Friday, 22 November 2019 10:21

Apple silences reviews

Good or bad we no longer want to see, hear or speak of them

Apple has removed the "Ratings & Reviews" section from all product pages on its website. The changes were apparently made between 16-17 November 1 and it's unclear what has prompted this decision, nor when Apple will bring back the option to read the opinions of other customers at the time of purchase.

Nuvia founded by ex-Apple, ex-Google engineer rock stars, funded
Published in PC Hardware

$53M series A to disrupt the data center

Nuvia is a relatively new name in the datacenter field, and the startup just got $53 million series A funding to re-imagine silicon design for the datacenter market. $53 million series A funding is a great deal for a startup, but the story gets an edge since it involves three key names in the tech industry.

Apple terrified of new German law
Published in News
Friday, 15 November 2019 12:40

Apple terrified of new German law

Open up Apple Pay

Moves in Germany to force Jobs' Mob to open up its Apple Pay mobile payments system to rivals have put the fear of God into the fruity cargo cult.

Apple finally realises that being a bit thick helps
Published in News

User-based modelling

Apple has finally realised that making its products a bit thicker makes them work better.

Apple officially unveils the new 16-inch Macbook Pro
Published in Mobiles

Updated: Largest Retina screen, new keyboard, and new hardware

As expected and rumored earlier, Apple has now officially unveiled its new 16-inch Macbook Pro, coming with the largest Retina screen so far, new keyboard and Force Touch trackpad, Touch Bar, Touch ID, and all new hardware, including up to 8-core CPU, new Radeon Pro 5000M series GPUs, up to 64GB of RAM, and up to 8TB of storage.

Apple's 16-inch Macbook Pro gets Radeon Pro 5500M graphics
Published in Graphics

Pro version of the Radeon 5500M with 24 CUs

According to a leak, it appears that Apple has gone for AMD's RDNA architecture GPU with its rumored 16-inch Macbook Pro, which will get Radeon Pro 5500M graphics.