Apple paid a billion dollars to move to North Carolina
All it has to do is promise some jobs
Fruity cargo cult Apple is set to collect a billion dollars of taxpayers' money to build a new campus in North Carolina.

Apple’s App store had 78 percent operating margins
Anti-trust case opens
Apple's App Store had operating margins of almost 78 percent in the fiscal year 2019, according to testimony from an Epic Games expert witness based on documents obtained from the fruity cargo cult.

Apple plans July release for M2
Expect hype to begin now
Apple is expected to release the much-hyped successor to its over-hyped M1 chip in July.

Apple's security is broken again
By something really dumb
While the Tame Apple Press continues to insist that Jobs' Mob's security is the best in the world, it turns out a newly discovered vulnerability broke through most of macOS' newer security protections with a double-click of a malicious app.

One bloke makes Apple look really silly
Holes in App store review system cause fanboys to fall for scams
The fruity cargo cult Apple's app review process protects users as effectively as a chocolate teapot makes tea and this has been highlighted by one bloke who finds scams on the store without any hardware or software.

iMac shows Apple has lost its design mojo
Yeah it is thin so what?
Apple has released a new design of its all-in-one iMac and while the Tame Apple Press has creamed itself on cue about things like thinness and colours it does not look like anyone really thought about what they were writing.

Apple wins appeal against Optis
Ironically claimed Optis Wireless Technology was making unfair royalty demands
A federal judge tossed a $506.2 million damages award against Apple after ruling the iPhone maker should have been able to argue that patent owner Optis Wireless Technology was making unfair royalty demands.

UK automatic COVID tracing hits yet another snag
More comedy
The UK’s comedy contact tracing app fiasco has continued to hit the headlines. Now an update has been blocked from Apple and Google’s app stores

FTC did not appeal against Qualcomm to the Supreme Court
Decided not to pursuit
The four year legal battle is over. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has decided not to appeal the 9th Circuit's decision, against the claim that Qualcomm's business model and practice were anti-competitive. To refresh your memory, the verdict that included a vote from three judges was unanimous in Qualcomm's favor.

Apple tries to mine Facebook data
Facebook says no
Apple is so desperate to win its antitrust case with Epic it is hitting up other big tech empires in the hope it can dig up some dirt.