Apple can't interest Android users
They have seen what life is like without Jobs' Mob
The fruity cargo cult also known as Apple has little chance of attracting Android users with its unlucky iPhone 13 model, according to a new SellCell survey.

Apple’s sat phone feature only going to be for emergencies
If it ever makes the market
The Tame Apple Press became very moist over the weekend over rumours that the new iPhones were going to have the ability to connect to satellites.

Apple’s App Store changes will not do anything
Naysayers say nay
Although Apple is making some changes to its App Store policies and setting up a $100 million fund for small developers, critics say that the terms of a class-action settlement don't meaningfully loosen the company's grip on its digital marketplace.

Google pays Apple $15 billion to use its search engine
Up $5 billion from 2020
Search engine outfit Google has been bribing paying the fruity cargo cult Apple to use its search engine by default in its iPhone, iPad, and Mac.

Apple starts to panic over Fortnite ruling
Already loosening up restrictions
Fruity cargo cult Apple seems to be panicking that a court will rule against its glorious app store business model and is trying to loosen things up.

Only Apple is invulnerable to chip shortage
Which only hurts its rivals
While the chip shortage is canning Apple’s rivals, the fruity cargo cult is laughing all the way to the bank, according to a new report from Wave7.

Apple admits spying on users' email since 2019
More embarrassment from the antitrust court case
While fruity cargo cult Apple was lecturing the world about user privacy it was secretly scanning iCloud Mail for kiddie porn without telling anyone.

Apple admits it is a great platform for distributing child porn
Gotta be the best at everything
Fruity cargo cult Apple’s anti-fraud chief Eric Friedman admitted the company is the “greatest platform for distributing child porn”.

Apple stuffs up a small update
Well, it is software what do you expect?
The fruity cargo cult Apple has created a major headache for fanboys with a small update.

Apple delays forcing its staff back into the office
Claims that the delta variant is to blame
Fruity cargo cult Apple has once again delayed a move to drag its drones back into the spaceship to receive programming from middle managers and attend endless meetings.