Apple censors apps to favour Chinese politicians
All part of the service
Apple routinely censors references to Chinese politicians, dissidents and other topics in its engraving service.

Freedom of the Press Foundation wades into Apple
All those Tame Apple Press reporters could be vulnerable
While Apple has the unanalysed love of most of the press, the Freedom of the Press Foundation is worried they could be invulnerable due to Jobs’ Mob’s scanning of its iCloud.

Apple must pay $300 million in patent case
Loses Optis case
Fruity cargo cult Apple did not invent the technology used in its iPhones, iPads, and Watches and flouted technology developed by Optis, a court has ruled.

Apple staff concerned about Jobs' Mob monitoring
We thought we didn't do that sort of thing
Apple's move to scan its cloud for kiddie porn has managed to upset Apple staff who are concerned that the outfit is breaking its own privacy policies.

Apple under fire for scanning users' photos
From privacy groups to Edward Snowden
Apple's plans to scan users' iCloud Photos library against a database of child sexual abuse material (CSAM) to look for matches and childrens' messages for explicit content has come under fire from privacy whistleblower Edward Snowden and the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF).

AMD launches Radeon Pro W6000X series GPUs for Apple Mac Pro
Including a dual-GPU Radeon Pro W6800X Duo
AMD has brought a big update to the Apple Mac Pro system by introducing the new Radeon Pro W6000X series graphics cards, with all three SKUs, the Radeon Pro W6900X, Radeon Pro W6800X, and the Radeon Pro W6800X Duo, based on the RNDA2 Navi 21 GPU.

Apple wants to stop anti-vaxers mating
21st century eugenics
Fruity cargo cult Apple has taken the unusual step of trying to stop anti-vaxers mating.

Apple cracks down on leakers
Wants the names and addresses of those who spilt the beans
Fruity cargo cult Apple is threatening those who managed to get their hands on details of its products from insiders.

Apple censors staff from talking about working from home
We decide that
Fruity cargo cult Apple is so desperate that staff work in the office to receive the words of wisdom of their managers they are censoring workers from talking about it.

Apple will decide if your ID cards are valid
This will end well
The fruity cargo cult has decided that its superior software experts can decide if your ID cards are valid and remove them from your wallet if they do not match the expectations of its wizard facial recognition system.