Hackers make merry with Apple’s “security.”
But don’t worry Google saves fanboys
Google researchers caught hackers targeting users in Hong Kong exploiting vulnerabilities in Apple's Mac operating system.

Apple backs down on evil repair antics
If your iPhone 13 screen breaks you will not have to use Apple replacement
Fruity cargo cult Apple has backed down in the face of some stonking criticism for the evil way it handle broken iPhone 13 screen repairs.

iPhone 13's screen is unrepairable
Must be fixed by Apple
While some companies have been making their products more accessible and useful for users, the fruity cargo cult Apple has been working out ways to make its products impossible to fix.

Apple drops mask requirements for Apple fanboys
Staff will still be masked
Apple will remove its mask mandate for customers at many US retail stores from Friday as COVID-19 cases decline.

Either do what we tell you or user security will suffer
Apple warns the EU
Apple software boss Craig Ferengi Federighi took the stage at the Web Summit in Lisbon to push Apple’s line that reducing its monopoly powers over its app store would result in less security for EU users.

Apple slashes iPad production by half
Claims it is due to global chip supply crunch
Apple has slashed production of iPad tablets and the Tame Apple Press claims that it is cannibalising components for the iPhone 13.

Apple explains to world why third-party payment options are bad
Expects to get the Epic Games case thrown out
Fruity cargo cult Apple outlined its objections to allowing app developers to link to third-party payment options ahead of a hearing next month that could determine whether a set of antitrust court orders is put on pause.

Fanboys are actually buying Apple’s expensive rag
Apple fanboys are really too stupid to exist in the genepool
You can generally tell how stupid and susceptible to marketing a person is by how much Apple gear he or she owns. The extent of an Apple fan’s stupidity has now reached a new low with the release of Apple’s $20 rag.

Apple blames others for tanking results
It was not us it was the supply chain
Fruity cargo cult Apple, which has legendary control over its supply chain, is now blaming its poor results on its suppliers.

Microsoft set to overtake Apple as most valuable company again
ame Apple Press dons sackcloth and ashes
There was a cry of despair among the Tame Apple Press as it was revealed that software King of the World Microsoft was close to unseating Apple as the world's most valuable company.