Published in PC Hardware

Motherboard soap opera ends in tragedy

by on18 March 2025

BIOS update saga ends

The poor sod who had the PC-building world biting their nails over a BIOS update saga that lasted longer than many marriages has finally admitted defeat.

Reddit user GoatWithAGun waved the white flag with a simple “Welp. We’re done here,” posting a mournful snap of their now lifeless rig, which had become the internet’s favourite medical drama for the past few days. Once a beacon of stubborn persistence, the machine is now about as responsive as a politician dodging questions.

GoatWithAGun’s grim eulogy detailed the exact moment of death: “As of 2:14 PM Philippine Standard Time, my monitor lost signal from the PC, and I returned to it completely unresponsive to any troubleshooting.”

That’s PC-building speak for “it’s well and truly buggered.” Ever the gracious tragic hero, the Redditor thanked their audience—both those who cheered them on and those who threw money at the cause—before figuratively and literally shutting the lid on the case,.

The ill-fated machine, armed with a BioStar A320MH motherboard that refused to let go of its BIOS update like a pensioner clutching their last Werther’s Original, had already clocked over 100 hours in limbo.

What started as a 24-hour flash job became an endurance test that made waiting for Duke Nukem Forever seem reasonable. As the days ticked by, the update’s progress inched forward like a drunken snail before today’s inevitable fade to black.

But all is not lost. The rest of the rig—a AMD Ryzen 3 1200, 4GB of Kingston HyperX DDR4-2400, an Asus GTX 1660, and a couple of SSDs—is still salvageable. The motherboard may have met an untimely demise, but replacements are as common as unfulfilled Kickstarter promises.

Before vanishing into the digital ether, GoatWithAGun teased a possible resurrection. A BIOS programmer is en route, which may breathe new life into the BioStar board's corpse. But the project has entered the realm of silicon necromancy.

Not everyone on Reddit is keen on a sequel, though. Some have grown tired of the saga, which is ironic given the usual endless drivel they happily engage with.

welp were done here v0 3rr4tcir28pe1

Last modified on 18 March 2025
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