We have to admit that we don't pay too much attention to the embedded market and Intel has some huge plans with a lot of its processors.
It has caught our eye that Intel plans to offer upcoming Cedar view Atom processors for the embedded market for at least five years. This is what embedded market wants as they are not so frequent and fast with innovation and unnecessary updates, and they like the long term support. Intel has told its partners that Cedar view D2700 embedded Atom as well as mobile N2800 embedded will be offered for five years as of Q3 2011.
This means that whoever decides to use embedded Cedar View or NM10 chipset they will be able to get it until Q3 2016. This is definitely a long term commitment and in this market Intel offers Z670 and Z650 and matching SM35 chipset for less than that, but at least from Q1 2011 until Q1 2012 and possibly onwards.
In the meantime Cedar View will get replaced by the new 22nm Atom platform, but Cedar View embedded will coexist with this one and most likely at least with Atom 15nm, the one that comes in a few years.
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PC Hardware
Intel commits Cedar View for 5 year support
Embedded market to get it until Q3 2016
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