Microsoft Word gets autocorrect
Published in News
Tuesday, 23 February 2021 15:56

Microsoft Word gets autocorrect

Vole copies Smart Compose

Software King of the World Microsoft is about to jack an autocorrect function into Word which will pretty much do what Google’s Smart Compose feature does in Gmail and Docs.

Microsoft's next feature update is a bit of a snooze
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Only one real new feature

Microsoft announced the next feature release of Windows 10, Windows 10 21H1 and it only has one feature worth looking at.

Microsoft connects cloud to Spaceborne Computer-2
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Putting AI in space

Microsoft will connect its cloud computing Azure Space platform to the Spaceborne Computer-2, a Hewlett-Packard Enterprise product promising to "deliver edge computing and [artificial intelligence] capabilities to the International Space Station (ISS)".

Vole and Volkswagen team up
Published in News
Thursday, 11 February 2021 11:51

Vole and Volkswagen team up

VW gets lebensraum on Microsoft’s cloud

Adolf Hitler’s favourite car company has teamed up with what used to be known as the Evil Empire to streamline efforts to build self-driving cars.

There is nothing wrong with big tech
Published in News
Thursday, 11 February 2021 11:39

There is nothing wrong with big tech

It just needs guidelines, says Nadella

King of the Volehill, Chief Executive Officer Satya Nadella, has been telling the world+dog that there is nothing wrong with Big Tech - all it needs is clearer laws and rules.

Intel sues Microsoft defector
Published in News
Wednesday, 10 February 2021 12:41

Intel sues Microsoft defector

Claimed he took trade secrets

Chipzilla sued a former Oregon employee last week, alleging he took trade secrets with him when he left for Microsoft and used the information to gain an advantage in subsequent business negotiations with Intel.

Raspberry Pi is calling up Microsoft
Published in News
Monday, 08 February 2021 11:41

Raspberry Pi is calling up Microsoft

Users up in arms over Volish influence

Raspberry Pi users are upset that the PiOS has started calling up calling up Microsoft all of a sudden.

Microsoft cranks up Viva
Published in News
Friday, 05 February 2021 11:37

Microsoft cranks up Viva

A new take on the intranet idea

Microsoft has launched Viva, a new "employee experience platform", or, in non-marketing terms, its new take on the intranet sites most large companies tend to offer their employees.

Microsoft changes how Windows is offered
Published in News
Friday, 05 February 2021 11:20

Microsoft changes how Windows is offered

Updated by default

Software King of the World, that's Microsoft, has changed the status of the Windows 10 operating system versions 1909 and 2004 to “broad deployment” which means we can expect changes on how the operating system versions are offered on customer devices.

Microsoft is ready to replace Google
Published in News
Tuesday, 02 February 2021 04:58

Microsoft is ready to replace Google

At least in Oz

Software giant Microsoft is confident its search product Bing can fill the gap in Australia if Google pulls its search over required payments to media outlets, Aussie Prime Minister Scott Morrison said.