Google pushes out Chrome 52 for Android
Published in Mobiles
Wednesday, 03 August 2016 11:12

Google pushes out Chrome 52 for Android

Two weeks after the PC version

Search engine outfit Google has finally got around to launching the Android verson of its latest Chrome browser.

Blackberry launches "most secure Anroid Phone"
Published in Mobiles

More nailed down than Jesus

BlackBerry has announced its second Android smartphone today claiming that it is the world's most secure Android phone.

Motorola will not bother with monthly security updates
Published in Mobiles

Too much like hard work

Motorola has dubbed Android's monthly security updates "difficult" and says it cannot commit to them.

Android Nougat will not boot if you have malware
Published in Mobiles

Compulsory boot check

The newest version of Android has a compulsory boot check which will prevent you starting your phone if you have malware installed.

Blackberry can’t really make up its mind
Published in Mobiles

Should it stay or should it go?

Blackberry is continuing to send out more mixed messages about its handset future.

Blackberry to release three new Android phones
Published in Mobiles

Last Chance Saloon

Troubled Blackberry, which has admitted that its hardware is officially in the Last Chance Saloon, is having a last stab at mobile hardware with three new Android phones.

Huawei poised to join revolt against Android
Published in Mobiles

Designing its own operating system

Huawei is rumoured to be planning its own revolt against the evil imperialist capitalist hyena Google by developing its own mobile OS.

Waterproofing mobiles will backfire
Published in Mobiles
Monday, 20 June 2016 12:42

Waterproofing mobiles will backfire

Xiaomi warns it could all go so wrong

The trend towards waterproofing smartphones could end badly, according to Xiaomi CEO Lin Jun.

Blackberry loses Obama
Published in Mobiles
Wednesday, 15 June 2016 11:32

Blackberry loses Obama

Gets a locked down Samsung instead

In a sign that Blackberry’s days are numbered, one of its key advocates, President Barack Obama has given up on it.

Samsung might dump Android for Tizen
Published in News
Monday, 13 June 2016 13:39

Samsung might dump Android for Tizen

Had enough

There are signs that Samsung's patence with Google's Android are flailing and it is seriously thinking about replacing it across its entire range with its operating system which sounds like a sneeze, Tizen.