Although the precise details regarding these two chips are still unknown, there has been quite a few good educated guesses. Since Nvidia plans to get a piece of notebook space once Windows 8 comes out it is logical to assume that Kal-El+ might just be a chip for it. The Kal-El+ is scheduled to show up sometimes in mid-2012 and be a chip that should hold Tegra afloat 'till Wayne arrives, sometimes in the end of 2012.
The second new chip is the Grey, a Tegra+Icera SoC chip that, according to the roadmap, targets mostly smartphone market. It will most likely be made using 28nm manufacturing process and will feature 2G/3G/4G communication capabilities, something that Tegra has been lacking. Of course, Grey SoC comes in 2013, and could end up to be a cut down version of the Wayne chip in order to accommodate the cheaper smartphone market.
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