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WebEx comes to iPhone

Now you can attend meetings on the go
Cisco-owned WebEx announced that it is launching a new client for Apple iPhone that will allow iPhone users the ability to participate in WebEx meetings on the go.
Taking advantage of the 3G and WiFi abilities in the latest generation of iPhone, the Cisco WebEx Meeting Center for iPhone will be available as a free download. In addition to the ability to participate in WebEx meetings, users will have the ability to exchange instant messages as well as view content that is on other meeting attendee computers, provided that they are sharing their desktop or presenting. Currently, video is not supported.
The ability to use your iPhone as a conduit to attend WebEx meetings on the go is a great offering for the iPhone to offer. We have to wonder, however, if being able to attend meetings on the go is really a good thing. Often times we need the ability to escape, but the iPhone allows you to both escape while at the same time still being able to attend meetings. As long as you have a solid 3G connection or WiFi access with your iPhone, we suspect that this application will be very popular.