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Aussies to get their own Android phone

Not the G1, out by Christmas
It looks like Australia will be the first country to get an Android-based handset apart from the T-Mobile G1 thanks to a company called Kogan Technologies. Yes, we'd never heard of it before either, but it turns out it's run by a 25-year old chap called Ruslan Kogan and the company is selling a wide range of affordable electronics.
Ruslan Kogan has now decided to source a device from one of the many Chinese manufacturers, force feed it Android, put his own sticker on it and have it in time for Christmas for a price tag of a mere AU$199 (US$135/€105/£85). Yes, it sounds too good to be true, but wait, there's more.
The yet un-named handset is meant to look somewhat like an iPhone and it's said to incorporate a touch screen, WiFi, Bluetooth, a GPS reciever and in addition to the touch screen, a track ball for navigation. Sounds too good to be true? Well, we think so, but with a December 15th launch date, it won't be too long until we'll find out.
There's no word on 3G connectivity or anything much else for that matter, such as screen resolution etc.; but we won't count the guy out just as yet, since he seems to be running a fairly successful business at the moment selling LCD TVs and what not. Hopefully, this is a new trend toward more affordable Smartphones, but we wouldn't hold our breath, and even less so that this device will turn up anywhere outside of the land of Oz.
More details here and here