Navi to have AI specific circuits
7nm next gen Radeon
All eyes are on the Vega that is supposed to launch early next week, but we would not be Fudzilla unless we were able to get something about the next one down the line.

Microsoft forced into more chip development
All the AI stuff
It is starting to look like there will be a new kid on the chip block, as Microsoft is being forced to hone skills of its own.

Software outfits exaggerating AI claims
Riding the hype cycle
Beancounters at analyst outfit Gartner claim that software companies are exploiting the current artificial intelligence craze by exaggerating the role of AI in their products.

Boffins claim AI can spot fake news
Can even tell if it is a doctored video
While a third of US people wait for President Trump to tell them what news is fake, a team of boffins at the University of Washington has used artificial intelligence to work it out.

Taiwan invests in AI research
$32.73 million a year to support local industry
Taiwan is to spend $32.73 million every year over a period of five years to develop artificial intelligence research centres.

Chess champion says we need to embrace AI
Does not like Putin but will accept an autocratic robot overlord
Chess champion Garry Kasparov who is also renowned for his dislike of being told what to do by Tsar Putin, apparently sees nothing wrong with AI.

Microsoft’s AI plays a mean Ms Pac-Man
AI has evolved to the level of a 1980s arcade kiddie
Microsoft's artificial intelligence system has mastered the 1980s video game Ms. Pac-Man, making its steps towards global domination that much closer.

AI bike hits the road
There is at least one AI golden bike in Beijing... that's a fact
CoolQi Bike unveiled the Golden Edition of its AI shared bikes at Peking University. CoolQi has over one million bikes in 50+ cities including Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Xi'an, Tianjin, Shenyang, Changsha, Taiyuan, and Shijiazhuang, but this is the first one with brains.

AI can tell if you are suicidal
I think you ought to know that you are feeling very depressed
AI boffins have come up with a machine-learning algorithm that can accurately predict the likelihood that a person will attempt suicide

Softbank finds two droids they are looking for on Google
Two companies added to AI plans
After getting its paws on ARM, Softbank is still growing and has written a cheque for two firms that build walking robots from Google's parent company, Alphabet.