Friday, 27 August 2010 09:04

PS4 not to be download only

Might have learned a lesson from PSPgo
Wednesday, 18 August 2010 09:26

Sony confirms 160GB & 320GB PS3 models

Will arrive in North America on September 19th
Tuesday, 17 August 2010 10:07

Sony to transition to 160GB PS3 model

Will add 40GB and price to stay the same
Tuesday, 03 August 2010 10:41

Sony starts to make money again


PS3 helps out for once
Tuesday, 03 August 2010 10:12

Discounted Madden PSP bundle to be released

Price drop makes this bundle more exciting
Thursday, 29 July 2010 10:17

Sony to have press conference at Gamescon

German show likely to reveal something new

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Sony develops next generation blue-violet laser

Thursday, 15 July 2010 10:54

PS3 gets Hulu Plus service

Only for PlayStation Plus subscribers
sony  playstation_logo_new

Invites developers to become integral hardware decision makers

playstation_logo_new white_ps3_slim_logo

New 320GB hard drive option (CECH-2500)