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Wednesday, 16 May 2012 10:19

Max Payne 3 launches for Xbox 360 and PS3


In North America, in Europe on Friday

Not a bad deal at €259

Deal of the Day: Cheapest 720p phone in Euroland

Wednesday, 09 May 2012 10:26

Sony readies two new LTE phones

Xperia GX and Xperia SX hit Japan this summer

Wednesday, 09 May 2012 10:27

Japan to get Crystal White Vita

Sony NGP logo

June 28

Friday, 13 April 2012 09:22

Vita gets firmware to address stability

Version 1.67 said to make things stable

Thursday, 05 April 2012 10:29

Orbis specs get detailed

PS4 fakelogo

Actually it’s about what we expected

Thursday, 05 April 2012 10:16

Vita gets version 1.66 update

Sony NGP logo

Said to fix PS Mini support

Tuesday, 03 April 2012 08:12

PS4 to arrive ahead of Xbox Next?

playstation logo new

Developers in U.S. tell upcoming meetings

Thursday, 29 March 2012 10:27

PS4 called codename Orbis?

PS4 fakelogo

Sony said to be prepping for late 2013 launch