Ireland starts collecting back tax from Apple
Published in News
Tuesday, 05 December 2017 11:47

Ireland starts collecting back tax from Apple

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The Fruity Cargo Cult is starting to pay back tax in Ireland, despite the fact it has denied doing anything illegal.

European Parliament clamps down on spying hardware
Published in News

This gear threatening security and human rights

The European Parliament has overwhelmingly backed plans to control exports of devices to intercept mobile phone calls, hack computers or circumvent passwords that could be used by foreign states to suppress political opponents or activists.

EU to outlaw online geo-blocking
Published in News
Thursday, 23 November 2017 12:40

EU to outlaw online geo-blocking

Unless you are big content

The European Union has agreed on a plan obliging online retailers to make electrical products, concert tickets or car rental available to all EU consumers regardless of where they live.

EU wants sharing to break encryption
Published in News
Friday, 20 October 2017 13:04

EU wants sharing to break encryption

But no back doors

The European Commission has proposed that member states help each other break into encrypted devices by sharing expertise around the bloc.

EU sues Ireland over Apple tax pact
Published in News
Wednesday, 04 October 2017 12:09

EU sues Ireland over Apple tax pact

Ireland ignored Apple's $15.3 billion owed tax

Ireland's relationship with Apple was so cosy it allowed Jobs' Mob to avoid paying more than $15.3 billion in tax, according to the European Commission.

EU buries report that says piracy is harmless
Published in News
Friday, 22 September 2017 10:22

EU buries report that says piracy is harmless

Big content would not allow it

The EU paid a Dutch consulting firm, Ecorys 360,000 euro to research the effect piracy had on sales of copyrighted content and then buried it because it would anger the Big Content mafia.

EU countries likely to target big US tech
Published in News
Monday, 11 September 2017 12:46

EU countries likely to target big US tech

C’mon you bastards, pay your tax like everyone else

France, Germany, Italy and Spain are expected to get tough with big US tech by demanding that they be taxed in Europe based on their revenues, rather than only profits.

EU president wants China style internet firewall
Published in News
Thursday, 07 September 2017 11:53

EU president wants China style internet firewall

Governments should be allowed to spy to save big content

A Council of the European Union document leaked by Statewatch on 30 August reveals that during the summer months Estonia - which holds the current EU Presidency - has been pushing the other Member States to strengthen indiscriminate internet surveillance and protect Big Content from piracy.

Intel has surprise “win” against the EU
Published in News
Thursday, 07 September 2017 11:15

Intel has surprise “win” against the EU

Lower courts have to review huge fine

The highest court in the European Union has ruled that Intel’s $1.3 billion antitrust fine should be reviewed in a move which could end a sweeping crackdown on US tech companies antics in Europe.

Employers must tell staff before they snoop
Published in News
Wednesday, 06 September 2017 10:52

Employers must tell staff before they snoop

Staff must not have their privacy violated

Autocratic bosses who love to read their employees emails without telling them have been told to cut it out by the  European Court of Human Rights.