Point of View has rolled out its own reference clocked GTX 580 card and we managed to find out that a complete lineup of TGT factory overclocked cards are on the way. As always, TGT cards should end up to be the fastest, or to be precise, highest overclocked cards on the market, and all is done without changing the reference cooler.
Point of View's reference card works at 772MHz for the core, 1544MHz for Shaders and 4008MHz for memory and this one already found its way to retail shelves. We managed to get some details regarding the TGT factory overclocked lineup and we can tell you that these will have a highest factory overclock on the market at least when compared to the competition.
TGT/POV will release a total of three cards, GTX 580 Charged, GTX 580 UltraCharged, and the GTX 580 Beast, a top of the line card. The TGT/POV GTX 580 Charged works at 810MHz for the GPU, 1620MHz for those 512 CUDA Cores and 4050MHz for the memory, while the UltraCharged version works at 841MHz for the GPU, 1682MHz for Shaders and 4104MHz for memory. These numbers are quite impressive considering the fact that we are talking about a reference cooled card.
The GTX 580 Beast will end up to be water cooled, and this will be the cream of the crop when it comes to GTX 580, but in order to get even higher factory overclock, you got to pick your chips right, and simply find the perfect clocks that you can give your warranty on. It should end up with a slightly higher factory overclock than the UltraCharged, but you'll end up with a water cooled card that is much quieter and much cooler than the reference cooled one.
You can find some of those cards listed here.