The one AIB partner that wouldn't miss the launch day is of course Sapphire, and as a bonus they decided to shed some light on the upcoming HD 5870 Vapor-X edition as well.
As every other partner, Sapphire has come up with two, reference designed HD 4850 and HD 4870 cards. The HD 5870 works at 850 and 4800MHz for core and memory, while the HD 5850 is limited to 725 and 4000MHz.
The more interesting fact is the Vapor-X HD 5870 model which Sapphire is working on. Sapphire has only issued a render of the card but in any case it is better than nothing. We are quite sure that this card will come with some mean overclock, at least once AMD gives a green light to AIB partners that they can launch their own. managed to score a picture and is also holding a competition so you could win one of these once they are available.
Here are some pictures of the mentioned cards.