Nordic Games now has the distribution rights for the titles
Double Fine has been trying to secure the rights to both of its THQ-published XBLA titles since early February, but has had no success. Now, Double Fine has moved on from THQ and is trying to get the rights to Costume Quest and Stacking from new rights holder, Nordic Games. Nordic Games acquired the rights when the publisher mopped up the remaining rights to THQ titles and back catalog offerings that were not sold in the initial auction.
Developer Double Fine owns the IP for both Costume Quest and Stacking, so if the studio desired it could make more of those games and distribute them. Ideally, however, the developer would like to bring the IP back in-house and it will continue to work to do so.
Double Fine is also trying to secure the rights to Brutal Legend from EA and Iron Brigade from Microsoft. Ideally, the studio would like to own all of its IP and have it back in-house again.