Talk of a DirectX 11 patch for Crysis 2 on the PC has been something that has been rumored for a long time. Many of our sources have told us that we could expect full DX11 support that would be delivered in a patch for the PC version after release. (Not to pour gasoline on a fire, but we seem to recall Nvidia having this on a list of titles to have DX11 support back in January.)
The rumors appear to be false, or at least nothing more than wishing for DX11 support. Apparently, in the MyCrysis forums one of the forum moderators was quick to address the situation. Cry-Tom is quoted as saying, “No patch was ever confirmed.” Later on in his posting he reminds players that, “When there are any big announcements regarding Crysis 2 they will be posted on, and if you don’t see it on then it isn’t genuine.”
While Cry-Tom stopped short of saying that it would never happen, he apparently is suggesting that Crytek is focused on other things at the moment; and if DX11 support is added in a patch somewhere down the line, they are not ready to announce it or to talk about it at this time. No real surprise that they don’t want to talk about it if it isn’t announced.
Our sources tell us that they are now unsure as to Crytek’s plans on adding DX11 support. Because of the Nvidia posting, it was thought that this was a ‘given,’ but now we are not so sure. From the talk around the water cooler we are hearing, it seems that for the time being we would not count on it. Of course, who knows what the future holds?
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No DX11 patch on tap for Crysis 2
Crytek says no DX11 patch was ever confirmed