A job listing for a position called Battle Planner at Square Enix for Final Fantasy Versus XIII suggests that a release on the Xbox 360 might be in the company’s plans. According to the job ad, they are looking for someone with Xbox 360 skills; and since Final Fantasy XIII is an exclusive for PlayStation 3, it could be that this is not a total exclusive, after all.
While Square Enix head Yoichi Wada confirmed that the publisher was examining the possibility of an Xbox 360 release, lead designer Tetsuya Normura has held fast to the claim that the title will only be released on the PlayStation 3.
While our sources confirm the ad, it also seems that the way that the ad is worded this could mean something or nothing, but we would not get our hopes up just yet. We think it is too soon to tell what the actual plan might be; and it could be nothing more than that they are seeking a well rounded developer who has experience with both the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, and nothing more.
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Final Fantasy coming to 360 after all?
Job rumors suggest it might happen
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