More news regarding the upcoming Kinect launch is starting to trickle in. The latest of the tidbits we are hearing indicates that Kinect will have some requirements that you will have to follow in order to get the best performance out of the device.
Pictures that are circulating of a supposed copy of the Kinect manual say that users need to be between 6 feet for one player to 8 feet for two players from the Kinect sensor in order to obtain optimum performance. With space requirements such as this, you are going to need some room in front of your console as well as a properly sized display to see what you are doing.
This isn’t all we have found out. Apparently, you will need to keep those lights on, as Kinect functions best when you have the lights on while playing Kinect. In addition, if you do have issues with the Kinect sensor tracking you, you might need to try wearing different colored attire that has colors that stand out from the background behind you. Of course, sunlight reflecting in through a window can also have the potential to cause a problem, so you might want to make sure that no sunlight is shining in the room and hitting the sensor.
While the requirements are not really all that surprising, it could be that the space requirements might be a bit much for some gamers in smaller areas. We can see that those looking to enjoy their Kinect might have to rearrange the configuration of their gaming area to maximize the performance of Kinect.
Those who are eagerly awaiting the arrival of Kinect might want to start thinking about where they are going to place it and how they are going to use it. A number of third-party accessories are in the pipeline to help you place and mount your Kinect in the right spot and start expecting to hear more about these stands and mounting options in the weeks ahead.
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Kinect setup has some requirements
Need to be 6 to 8 feet from the sensor
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