We have all been there with the guy who will not shut up with all kinds of loud and crazy talk during your favorite FPS game. The way to deal with this issue is, of course, to mute the player talking the smack so you don’t have to deal with it.
Those playing Halo: Reach had better mind their mouth or the new system which we have dubbed “auto mute” will deal with them. This new technology from Bungie is on the lookout for players that are always being muted; and if they are constantly muted by other players again and again, the system in Reach will mute these offenders automatically.
The auto mute system warns the player being muted with notices and warnings prior to the player being permanently auto muted. If a player does get to the auto mute status, they are still able to play the game, but their smack talking mouth is muted for the enjoyment of other players.
We have to wonder what took so long for a developer to come up with a solution to this problem. The good news is that it is here now, and we hope that other developers are paying attention; this is something that we hope will end up appearing in a lot more titles. Maybe we can actually end up being able to talk tactics with other players again. Let’s at least hope so.
Published in
Halo: Reach first to use auto mute tech
Cool new system saves player the trouble