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No party chat in some modes of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

No cross talk between teams to stop cheating
Sources are telling us that the upcoming release of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 for the Xbox 360 will include an interesting new wrinkle. According to our sources, apparently party chat while playing CODMW2 isn’t supported on the Xbox 360 in all game modes. (Of course, this isn’t a problem with the PlayStation 3 release, since it does not yet have support of a party chat type function.)
From what our sources are telling us, while the Party Chat option will not be blocked from all game play modes, depending on the settings it could throw up a message saying that Party Chats are blocked for this game play mode. The main reason for this decision is to prevent players on different teams while in the same game from exchanging information that could lead to cheating; and that, of course, would make the game unfair to other players.
Some will argue that if someone really wanted to talk to another player they could just as easily whip out their cell phone and make a call or send a text to another player who also happens to be in the game. While not as convenient, it is pretty much the same manner of cheating, which is to give away positions of other players.
We will have to see how well this decision is received by the gaming community at large, but we expect that if there isn’t a lot of complaining it could be something that we will see in other upcoming titles in the future if it proves to work out well. With all of the competitive gaming these days, it seems that each and every possible advantage is looked at, and this could be the next loophole to be closed.