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DJ Hero is just expensive

Complaints that the DLC is priced too high
It seems that DJ Hero continues to be unable to catch a break. While lower than expected sales have already been projected by analysts, those that have purchased it are already complaining that the pricing of the downloadable content that was just released is also expensive. As we had already told you, the price of DJ Hero was already said to have impacted the initial sales and pre-ordering of the product.
The news can’t be good for Activision who is trying to pump up DJ Hero to get sales moving in the right direction. Having a product that has not even been out that long that is already getting a reputation of being expensive can’t be good for the long-term survival of the franchise.
The latest issue centers around the just released downloadable tracks that were released on Xbox Live and PlayStation Network with a price of $3 per track. This means that the DJ Hero tracks will cost buyers $1 more than either Guitar Hero or even Rock Band.
According to reports, Activision is claiming that additional work is necessary in the creation process of a DJ Hero track. This includes the extra cost in combining multiple content from multiple sources, as well as bringing in a professional DJ to mix the tracks; the extra $1 is necessary to cover these costs.
It seems that comparing the Guitar Hero or even Rock Band tracks to DJ Hero tracks isn’t possible, according to our sources, who claim that while on the outside it might seem similar, it just isn’t the same. It could be that the decision to price the tracks $1 higher could turn many people off and hurt sales. Only time will tell how this will play out long-term.