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Ghostbusters does well in North American sales

One million and counting
Atari has to be pleased with their decision to pick up Terminal Reality’s Ghostbusters title, as it has just crossed the number for one million sold in North America. With one million already sold, the title has beat initial projections and has surprised many, as sales for the title continue to grow.
With a number of very positive reviews and a marketing strategy that took advantage of the 25th anniversary of the original release of the film, the title has been performing much better than anyone could have expected. While it didn’t crack the top ten in sales when it was released, its sales have continued to be steady and have not dropped off as much as other titles.
It was questionable whether or not the release of the title would appeal to a younger crowd, many of whom had not seen the Ghostbusters movies; and it would appear that good games based on a movie franchise just need to be good, which appears to be the key in this case.
Ghostbusters has been out in Europe for some time on the PlayStation 2 and PlayStation 3 due to a strange publishing arrangement that Atari had with Sony for an exclusive in Europe. We now are hearing that Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo DS, and PC owners in Europe will also get Ghostbusters in October. From what we hear, October 23rd will be the release day for those platforms that were excluded in the initial release in North America.