Musk dumps rocket junk on Aussie's farm
Published in Transportation

But it doesn't matter he is poorer than Musk

Elon [look at me] Musk's love of his fellow humans has resulted in him dumping a three-metre long piece of junk from a SpaceX rocket on some Aussie bloke's field.

Solar powered car is there
Published in Transportation

Lightyear 0

The Guardian has been talking about the "world's first production-ready solar car" which is a streamlined and energy-efficient sedan-style vehicle which should hit the road in November.

Tesla losing billions in China crisis
Published in Transportation

Musk’s mastery on show

Tesla’s new car factories in Texas and Berlin are "losing billions of dollars" as they struggle to increase production because of a shortage of batteries and China port issues, according to Chief Executive Elon Musk.

Europe bans combustion engines by 2035
Published in Transportation

Wants faster developement of electric vehicles

The European Parliament threw its weight behind a proposed ban on selling new cars with combustion engines in 2035, seeking to step up the fight against climate change through the faster development of electric cars.

Ford’s hybrid economy figures were not based on reality
Published in Transportation

Iowa's attorney general forces payout

Ford's fuel-economy figures for the 2013-2014 C-Max hybrids "were not based in reality", says Iowa's attorney general.