A few years ago Apple fanboys attacked Greenpeace over
its campaign to get the outfit to put in more environmentally friendly
components in its gizmos.
Apple were rated badly by Greenpeace even though Apple
claimed that it was super green. Letters from fanboys that were sent to us
after we wrote that story that it didn't matter what Greenpeace said, no one
believed them anyway. Imagine our surprise when the latest Greenpeace report
which gives Apple five stars has been seized by fanboys as proof how wonderful
Jobs' Mob is.
Casey Harrell, Greenpeace International Electronics
campaigner said that Apple is now leading and HP is playing catch up, but the
lack of action from other companies is ensuring that customers and the
environment are still losing out. All good stuff well done Apple. But Apple using
Greenpeace's accolade for PR fodder is pretty hypocritical after denying the
outfit's methods for assessing green computers in the past. It has also
expelled Greenpeace from its conventions over its “how green is my Apple
In August of 2006, Greenpeace issued a report which gave
Apple a 2.7 out of 10 environmental-friendly rating, condemning the electronics
maker with low scores in almost all of its criteria, including the use of toxic
chemicals, recycling, and the quality of its take-back programs.
Greenpeace "greened " Apple's flagship store on
Fifth Avenue New York City by shining green spotlights into the location's
32-foot glass cube. A similar protest was made at Apple's San Francisco-based
flagship shop during the January 2007 Macworld Expo.