While we have been getting reports of fanboys desperately trying to return their shiny white elephants, things have been getting worse over the last week. Most of the complaints centre on the product’s design and weight but fanboys are complaining about technical issues which should have come out during testing.
One complaint being levelled at the device concerns the issue users have encountered when trying to look at other devices like iPhones while wearing the device.
“Guys using Vision Pro, can you read messages on your phone while wearing it? Too blurry for me,” one grumbled on Twitter/X.
Sharing woes on a Reddit thread, another user griped that peering at their phone while adorned with the device was “readable but not perfect…and only after I hold the phone still for a few heartbeats to get the cameras to focus.”
"Yeah, similar for me. Sometimes it even warps and looks like it is curved,” another chimed in.
Meanwhile, the Tame Apple Press continues to churn out glowing reviews of the Vision Pro’s “central features” and banging on about its “immersive graphics and display.”
One gripe that emerged was the heft of the device, with several reviewers airing the key complaint that the weight renders the headset uncomfortable over time.
Critic John Gruber noted that while it was feasible to use the headset for “hours at a time without any discomfort, but fatigue does set in, from the weight alone” and that you “never forget you’re wearing it”.
Richard Howarth, Vice President of Industrial Design at Jobs' Mob, lamented that there’s “nothing we could have done to make it lighter or smaller.” Echoing this sentiment, Mike Rockwell, Vice President of Jobs' Mob Vision Products Group, asserted that the team “packed just about as much technology as you could pack into that small of a form factor.”
On an entirely different note, some users were left crestfallen after discovering they couldn’t access virtual reality adult content using the device.
Everyone knows that porn is always going to be the killer app for virtual reality, and Apple fanboys are the least likely beings in the universe likely to breed, along with the giant panda and the white rhino.
One Reddit user called it a “$3500 chastity belt”, but it should not be a surprise given that Steve Jobs made it clear back in 2010 that Apple users were forbidden from seeing porn – unless it was the fine lines of his expensive gadgets.
He said at the time: "We do believe we have a moral responsibility to keep porn off the iPhone. Folks who want porn can buy an Android phone."