The company has come up with a tricky and complex way to dodge Apple's ban, but it says it won't bother to try again if Job’s Mob Apple shuts it down.
"Every time Beeper Mini gets 'knocked out' or messed up by Apple, Beeper looks bad," the company moaned in a blog post.
"We can't keep this up. We love our product and we think it's brilliant, but the truth is we can't beat the biggest company in the world. With our latest update, we think we've made something that Apple won't kill. We won't do anything if this is knocked offline."
The news means that Apple fanboys will be able to go back to bullying Android users when their messages appear in slim green on their iMessage boards. Of course, it could also mean that few more fanboys end up beaten up for trying to bully Android users for the wrong colour of their messages.
It does sound like a clear case of anti-trust and monopolistic behaviour on Apple's part, but we don't think Beeper has the cash to take the company through the legal system.